Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Security

Supply chain security in the pharma industry is a hot issue right now because the industry has seen tremendous global growth and change. More drugs are moving around the world than ever before. Also, more pharma companies are manufacturing overseas.


Securing the Supply Chain


In 2012, PhRMA supported the adoption of The Pharmaceutical Traceability Enhancement Code (RxTec). Introduced by the Pharmaceutical Distribution Security Alliance (PDSA), RxTec struck a critical balance between the security needs of the pharmaceutical supply chain and the financial and technological hurdles of adopting security measures.



Pharma Logistics: Can RFID Heal Supply Chain Security?


Can a dose of RFID track-and-trace technology, prescribed by Dr. Wal-Mart, keep the pharma supply chain safe? As more drugs are being transported across borders, security becomes a greater challenge. The potential for tampering increases.



What the Pharmaceutical Industry Can Teach Us about Supply Chain Security Best Practices


According to the UPS 2012 “Pain in the Chain Survey,” 83% of healthcare companies surveyed rank tapping into new global markets as a top strategy for the next three to five years.Today, up to 40% of the drugs Americans take are manufactured outside the U.S., as well as up to 80% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients in those drugs. To successfully protect against these risks, proactive supply chain security must deliver actionable intelligence to mitigate those risks. 


Håkan Andersson

Håkan is the CEO of Establish, Inc. and has more than 20 years of experience as a management consultant managing global projects.

He is a native of Malmö, Sweden and enjoys spending his summers at the Jersey Shore.

You can contact Håkan at


Healthcare Supply Chain Trends


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